Partnering with Pacha’s Pajamas!

I won’t explain the brilliance of Twitter or the wonderful opportunity it created for me just last week. I’ll let environmental activist/entrepreneur/performing artist Dave Room explain here.

I am excited to be collaborating with Dave Room and Aaron Ableman as they work to get their children’s book and CD Pacha’s Pajamas, in stores, libraries, and schools near you! I’m especially excited that the CD features Mos Def and Talib Kweli rapping about saving the environment. I spent a good chunk of the early 2000’s with the Mos Def and Talib Kweli’s Black Star CD playing in my discman. The addition of Pacha to the duo further strengthens what was then called “the best alliance in hip hop”.

To support this worthy project, visit their Kickstarter page. Give someone you love (or like, or co-exist with) the gift of green children’s lit and eco-rap this holiday season! To get one of the first-run limited-edition 16×16 matted canvas prints (above) make a “Pay-it-Forward” donation of $100 or more on Kickstarter; just post in the comment section that you want a print.